Juneteenth………a Celebration???


The following post may seem racist, as it is the opinions of a white man, which we all know is evil, idiotic, and has no right to have an opinion that might go against the snowflake rainbow coalition of the warriors of social justice (Just-Us).

Any-the-ways, it has come to my attention, that Juneteenth is NOT a celebration……note you are not allowed to celebrate the day.

It is not a festive day.

It is not a time to be joyous.

It is a DARK day, a mournful day, a day to be solemn.

Let me explain…….

Walmart was stupid enough to make a Juneteenth Ice Cream, as they have done for other holidays.

But what they were not aware of is this was a very RACIST move…….an ice cream flavor for Juneteenth……HOW DARE THEY😠😡🤬.

Don’t they know the pain……the injustice (just-us)……how dare they.

A child……..a poor little black child saw this ice cream and ask their forward thinking Mother about it…..and she could not believe what Walmart added to the frozen food selection. She thought the aisles of this superstore was a safe, racist free zone for her fragile child…..but she was wrong……and she was mad…..as mad as a black mother, since she was…..sorry, is a proud black mother.

She complained to customer service, and when that predictably went nowhere, she went to the only place you can go………..the NEWS.

Which took her story and ran with it……because racism is on the rise again in the form of Juneteenth Ice Cream.

She compared the ice cream flavor to if they try to make a flavor called “Fun Time Auschwitz with German Chocolate Cake Bites”. What right does Walmart have to celebrate Juneteenth, they don’t understand……it is not a celebration……….and we can’t have “whitey” thinking it is. Heck…..the whites lost on Juneteenth, I doubt they want to “celebrate” a defeat.

So I can’t “celebrate” this day, and I am fine with it.


If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ….the Messiah, than I better not see you handing out gifts on Christmas, or eating Chocolate Eggs on Easter.

And if you have never fought in a war (for the United States), or have had family members that died in combat, they you have no right to have a cookout on Veterans Day, or a Bar-B-Q on Memorial Day.

And if your bloodline does not trace back to the Pilgrims and Puritans, who basically stole this land from the Native Americans that we now live in, than no Turkey for you on Thanksgiving. Only if you are a pure blooded English white skinned colonist descendant can you enjoy eating stuffing and cranberry sauce on that last Thursday in November each year.

I don’t make the rules…..you all do….I’m just going to follow them…..which means I can’t celebrate Juneteenth since I am not black, but to that end I also can’t celebrate Thanksgiving anymore either, since I am also not a descendant of all those racist colonist.

With all that said, I hope everyone has a very Solemn-June-Day-I-Am-Not-Allow-To-Mention.

PS. I am kind of curious what that ice cream flavor would taste like…….no not the Juneteenth one, the Fun Time Auschwitz one, I bet it would be köstlich.

About michaelalexkawa

I love a lot of POPcurture. I am a big TRANSFORMERS fan, have been since 1985. Also love Anime like Pokemon, Project A-ko, K-on!, Evangelion, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, to name a few. I love Action Figures......like Duh!!!
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